Ethos and Care

At Little Pippins Nursery, we believe everyone has the right to feel safe and valued, in a stimulating learning environment, where children can develop and grow as individuals. We are a family and encourage every learner to respect, listen to and support each other, regardless of race, culture or belief.

Learning is a lifelong journey and the foundations need to be solid and strong. Our experienced, child centred team provide our children with the knowledge and important life skills needed for future learning and building relationships.

We also believe in a holistic approach. Healthy bodies, active, healthy minds and enjoyment are at the very heart of Little Pippins Nursery, we really do believe learning should be fun and children provided with the opportunities to explore their world.

Parents are also part of our Pippins Family. Working closely with parents, we can foster an understanding of individual needs and parents can enjoy their child’s learning journey and receive support from our team. Little Pippins Nursery is proud to serve our local community.

Passionate about Early Years learning, passionate about children and dedicated to offering the best start your child can have educationally.

Stay and Play-Wolverhampton

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